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Next steps: Seeking your guidance and input

In addition to analyzing for success and challenges, we thought of additional research questions pertaining to the data.


Would you let us know by ranking which research question would be best to pursue first?


Here are the three research questions:​






"Stories of Youth Climate Justice Activists”: How did people join the youth climate justice movement and where do they see themselves in the future?​​


  • Specifically, this question would explore: 

    • what is something that drew people into the movement?​

    • How do the movements connect to each other?

    • Who is drawn into the movement?

    • Who stays in the movement?​


  • The intention of this question is to make recommendations from the interviews that can:

    • Show what drew people into the movement and what made them stay long-term.​

    • Help recruit and maintain young people’s involvement in the movement.

    • Help diversify and retain BIPOC and POC in the movement.






"Climate Justice Activism, Relationships, and Well-being”: How does being nvolved in the climate justice movement impact relationship, mental health, and well-being?


  • Specifically, this question would explore: 

    • How does being involved in activism impact youth’s confidence, emotions, feelings, and thinking?​


  • The intention of this question is to make recommendations from the interviews that can:

    • Help support mental health and well-being of young people’s involvement in the movement​






"Educational Dimensions of Youth Climate Justice Activism”: How does the climate justice movement connect to education?


  • Specifically, this question would explore:

    • How did you learn about climate change?​

    • How did you learn about climate justice?

    • ​What does climate justice mean to you?​

    • What is the role of education?

    • What is the role of schools?

    • How does the climate justice movement educate people?


  • The intention of this question is to make recommendations from the interviews that can:

    • Highlight how education may draw people into the youth climate justice movement​

    • Send clear messages for schools and educational politics

    • Help to grow and support the movement

    • Send messages to adults in supporting the movement

    • Show adults how they can be co-conspirators for climate justice by supporting youth climate justice activists. 




For all three questions, the lab is particularly interested in asking the question, ‘What is the role of the arts in the youth climate justice movement?’. The role of the arts will be included in the questions we would explore for each question.






To be continued....check back December

Autumn River Leaves
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